

Parts of Speech

There are eight part of speech; the basics of grammar. They are explained below:

Noun -

A noun is the name of a person, place idea or thing.

People: Rajan, farmer, editors, Lecturer etc.

Places: Lamjung, Nepal, Ocean, classroom

Things: goat, pencil, dictionary etc.

Ideas: love, happiness, courage etc.

A common noun is names of any person, place or thing. e.g. woman, coach.

A proper noun names a particular person, place or thing.

e.g. Chicago, Mr. Krishna Prasad etc.

A collective noun names a group of person or things. e.g. family, jury etc.

A compound noun is noun consisting of more than a single word.

e.g. sister-in-law, thirty-two, bookkeeper etc.


1.    Countable Nouns: That can be counted is called countable Nouns. They are generally preceded by adjective. etc.

     i.e.  bicycle, apple etc.

       e.g. I gave him an apple.(here 'an' is an adjective)

2.    Uncountable Nouns: Nouns that can't be counted. They are not used on plural numbers.

e.g. oil, Rice, wheat etc.

 e.g. Water is used in daily life. (uncountable noun).