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Relative humidity and dew point


  • It is an indicator of the amount of water vapor in air
  • Its is divided into absolute and relative humidity.

Absolute Humidity:

  • Mass of water vapor present in unit volume of air is called absolute humidity.

Relative Humidity:

  • Ratio of mass of water vapor present in certain volume of air and mass of water vapor required to saturated it at same condition.
  • where m= mass of water vapor present and M is mass of water vapor required to saturated.
  • Is is unit less quantity.

Dew point

  • It is the temperature at which the water vapor present in air is just sufficient to saturated it.
  • The vapor pressure at room temperature is equal to the saturated vapor pressure at dew point
  • Mass of water vapor present in atmosphere is directly proportional to saturated vapor pressure (svp).
  • where, p is svp at dew point and P is SVP at room temperature


RH = %

The negative slope of the fusion curve indicates that the melting point of ice decrease with increase of pressure