
pH and pH Scale

pH of Solution:


  • pH is defined as the of logarithm (base ) of hydronium ion concentration.

  • For simplicity, is written as
  • For pure water (neutral);
  • For acidic solution;
  • For basic solution;
  • For very dilute solution, such as , but in actual it is not true because we cannot neglect from
  • The pH range is taken from . However, pH may be negative for very strong acids.


  • pOH is defined as logarithm of (hydroxyl ion) concentration.



For very dilute solution,

Buffer Solution:

  • It is the solution which resists the change in pH even after addition of small amount of acid or base.
  • There are two types of buffer solution:

i) Acidic Buffer Solution:

  • Solution of Weak acid and salt with strong base.
  • Eg: Buffer solution of .

pH of acidic buffer=

ii) Basic Buffer Solution:

  • Solution of weak base and its salt with strong acid.
  • Eg: Buffer solution of .

pH of basic buffer=

pH Curve:

  • A pH curve is a graph produced from a titration that shows how the pH of a solution changes when we add an acid or alkali to it.
  • The actual shape of curve depends upon the nature of alkali used for titration.

Titration curves for strong acid vs. strong base:

-End point ranges from .

-Both phenolphthalein and methyl orange can be used as indicators.

-Take hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide as typical of a strong acid and a strong base.

Titration curves for Strong Acid vs. Weak Base:

-End point ranges from .

-Methyl orange can be used as indicators.

-Take hydrochloric acid as the strong acid and ammonia solution as the weak base.

Titration curves for Weak Acid vs. Strong Base:

-End point ranges from .

-Phenolphthalein can be used as indicators.

-Take ethanoic acid and sodium hydroxide as typical of a weak acid and a strong base.

Titration curves for Weak Acid vs. Weak Base:

-End point ranges from .

-Such titration cannot be carried out due to the lack of suitable indicator.

-Take ethanoic acid and ammonia as typical of a weak acid and weak base.